The Path to Contemporary Shamanism
The article was first published in the Supernal Magazine Australia (
The practice of Traditional shamanism dates back at least 10,000 years and has always been intrinsically associated with indigenous and tribal societies. Shamans were carefully selected from “shaman families” to assist their community, communicate with spirits, heal the sick and escort souls to the afterlife.
In recent years there has been a resurgence in shamanistic practices and many people with non-indigenous backgrounds are being “called” to this work through profound personal experiences. One of these people is Kristy Allan who has shared her story with us and gives us an insight into how she incorporates shamanistic healing practices into her work as a healer.
Spiritual Healing, Shamanic Healing
The Power of the Soul
Spiritual healing – During this evolutionary time, as we merge into a more enlightened era, the soul has never been more important, powerful or influential in our personal healing and collective transition. As we bridge this new Era and usher in the ascension process we must seek the guidance and direction of the sentient soul.
The Soul Defined
Spiritual Healing – The soul is that part of our spirit that links us with the human experience. The soul holds an entire repository of information that spans infinite lifetimes. It is the place of all stored memory; containing all we have ever been and all we have ever experienced. The soul is intimately linked to the body and consciousness through the luminous energy field. The soul’s energy plays out in our lives according to our personal karma. It is through life’s experiences and incarnations that the soul grows in conscious awareness and is on the path of evolving and perfecting its view. Every soul’s purpose is to awaken consciously to the Oneness that unites ALL.
Spiritual Healing - Healing the Soul
So why is the soul so important in our healing process? This is because the soul is able to shed light on what the psyche alone is not able to. More often there is a much greater story at play than just our current awareness and limited perceptions from this lifetime. The Soul carries forth imprints and energies which erupt into subtle consciousness that can affect our entire being. This triggers a wide range of phenomena including but not limited to negative experiences, thought patterns, core beliefs, past-life personalities, fears, destructive behavioural patterns and perceptions, emotional wounding and physical disharmony to name but a few. The soul requires any unhealed and unprocessed circumstances to be reconciled and healed otherwise they get energetically projected into our future. When we heal the soul we bring home the lost soul parts of ourselves that were shattered, fragmented or missing, parts of our essential self that we require to be healthy and whole. When we heal this original wounding we release ourselves from the karmic conditions that would otherwise seek to repeat and replay these patterns and themes in our lives in a vain attempt to heal our broken spirit. Due to the nature of the soul and its ability to provide a wealth of knowledge from this lifetime and beyond we have a much greater ability to connect the past, the present and the future. To clear the dysfunction at the soul level is to pluck the problem right out of its systemic place of origin.
Related: Go from “I am unaware of my soul” to “I am deeply connected to my soul.”

Soul healing and Soul Illumination
The soul is also the perfect means and bridge that allows us to integrate our Higher Self with our Lower Self by transmuting the denseness of the ego with the light of the soul. It is the primary vehicle that allows us to close this gap. It is through the soul that we are able to heal our most ancient of wounds and it is through the soul that we are able to tap into our highest potential. Soul healing opens the door of illumination to us, allowing us to move past our former pain and sorrow and into the light of love, wisdom and truth. Soul healing truly allows us the freedom to fulfill our highest destiny and calling.