Got a pattern and you just can’t break it?
Unaddressed pain, when it lives in the unconscious, always comes full circle
It will come around again and again as our psyche attempts to make conscious the experiences we have had in our lives that have left a lasting impact or wound, that lives within us, unaddressed and banished to the unconscious.
Feeling blocked from your spiritual path and destiny? Experiencing the same old stuck, stale, overwhelmed, stressed, depressed outdated psychic energy?
How does one learn to work with and not against personal power?
What does loss of power and powerlessness mean for us as individuals and what does it cost us in our lives?
Could you raise a well-adapted child without any boundaries? Would this child automatically know appropriate, safe, healthy, life enhancing behaviours and ways of relating to self and other? Absolutely not, children need boundaries to define their sense of self and they also need boundaries to define how they engage effectively with the world around them.
Just as we have a physical body we also have an energy body that surrounds us, commonly referred to as the aura. We are surrounded by a sea of our own energy, our thoughts, our feelings, our soul body, our moods and energetic frequency etc.
Sometimes a person’s sting can go in, akin to a psychic dart that goes past our defense mechanisms and psychological immunity right into our energy field along with its harmful energy and intent. In shamanism we call this a psychic intrusion.
The article was first published in the Supernal Magazine Australia (
To see the original article visit article online here.
The practice of Traditional shamanism dates back at least 10,000 years and has always been intrinsically associated with indigenous and tribal societies. Shamans were carefully selected from “shaman families” to assist their community, communicate with spirits, heal the sick and escort souls to the afterlife.
In recent years there has been a resurgence in shamanistic practices and many people with non-indigenous backgrounds are being “called” to this work through profound personal experiences. One of these people is Kristy Allan who has shared her story with us and gives us an insight into how she incorporates shamanistic healing practices into her work as a healer.
The Significance of blood and its connection to the life force is one I don’t yet understand. Its role in blood sacrifice, ritual, religion, the occult etc. all points to an unexplainable connection to the life force present in all sentient beings. The blood is the mother of life force and carries this frequency to all organs, tissues and cellular structures. The life force carries our vibration through our entire body. As we journey through this evolutionary shift in consciousness the vibration of our physical body is changing. Our physical matter is literally shape-shifting into a higher frequency.
What does it mean to show up for ourselves and the world in which we are living? What does it mean to speak our truth with integrity, with as little or preferably no judgement or blame if possible? What does it mean to stand in our power and our truth by paying attention to what has heart and meaning for ourselves without compromising ourselves or allowing ourselves to be a doormat or mistreated by others?
As a healer, shadow work has been one of my greatest focuses come greatest strengths. I have become adept at diving into the deep dark waters of the unconscious mind.